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When you are trying to make someone love you, the one most important thing you need is to be fully acquainted with yourself. Keep this in mind… people are going to fall in love with you only if you have a personality that impresses them; only if they know that they will get what they want from you.
But, if you have to assure people of that, it is necessary that you build for yourself such a personality. So, how do you make those improvements? You begin by understanding completely where you stand at the moment.
Be completely sure of what you are… what you are capable of. Understand what it is that people are looking for. Understand what’s lacking in you. What are the positive points you can play on? What are the negative traits you should try to eliminate? If you want to continue having a magnetic personality that attracts people, you should begin by analyzing yourself and making those corrections when needed.
What Is Love?
Our theme here is love. Whatever we are going to talk about in the following pages, it is going to lead to the same conclusion… how to make people fall in love with us, within minutes.
Is that possible? Certainly it is. People can fall in love with you the very instant they set their eyes in you. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work towards it. It is not going to happen automatically. You have to put in effort. And this effort begins much before that first sight which can kindle love.
So, what is love? I would say, love is acceptance.
If you love someone, it means you accept them as they are, with their faults and weaknesses. You make their joys and sorrows their own. You are happy in their happiness; you are distressed when they are distressed. And it works the other way round too. When someone falls in love with you, it means they should accept you the way you are. They should not try to change anything about you, because that is very unlikely to happen.
The first thing you need to get started is to know what love is. It is only when you understand the true meaning of love will you acknowledge it when someone falls in love with you.
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